Elliot Lake Miners' Memorial
The Miners' Memorial was installed to honour the men and women whose lives were lost due to their involvment with the Elliot Lake mining camps. Every February, the Miners' Memorial Name Selection Working Group reviews any applications for additions to the memorial walls. Upon approval, new names are engraved onto the wall and formally recognized at our annual Day of Mourning Ceremony, held April 28th.
Memorial Name Dedication Criteria
A mine worker who was employed in any occupation related to the mining camps in Elliot Lake and who passed away from either:
- A mining accident; or
- An occupational disease/illness that is recognized and confirmed by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB).
Supporting Documents
A successful application will require sufficient proof of the above criteria. Supporting documents may include: WSIB case file decision letter, WSIB survivor's benefits letter, Ontario mining record or other proof of employment.
Your privacy is important to us. All sensitive information—addresses, SIN identification, compensation amounts, etc.—will be redacted during the selection process and only a small number of staff and qualified volunteers will review each application.